At ThinkEQ, we take appropriate steps to ensure that the risks surrounding modern slavery are identified and mitigated to the best of our ability. We will not knowingly deal with any business involved in slavery, forced labour or human trafficking and instead support ethical business practices and policies. We complete due diligence checks on any new clients and partners or organisations, categorising the supplier by risk category. Our anti-slavery policy is published for all employees, with specific mandatory training provided, encouraging employees to report any concerns surrounding modern slavery. The published statement on modern slavery is prepared per s54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
ThinkEQ Ltd – is a limited company registered in England and Wales, registered number 12208965.
We’re an independent digital services provider.
ThinkEQ Ltd prohibits slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking in our business services and supply chain. We will not knowingly deal with any business involved in slavery or human trafficking of any kind. We support ethical business practices and policies to protect workers from any abuse or exploitation concerning our business and supply chain. Our Anti-Slavery Policy is published to all employees in our policies register.
ThinkEQ employees c. 10 staff at our head office in Bolton. We also use some specialist sub-contractors and service companies to help deliver a fully rounded service.
Before contracting with a new supplier, we complete appropriate due diligence on that organisation. This includes a review of their set up and policies, including a review of thier modern slavery statement on their website.
We continually review supplier contracts so that they comply with modern slavery requirements.
We build long-standing relationships with our suppliers based on mutual trust and transparency. We actively encourage the reporting of any wrongdoing and protect whistle-blowers. As a small business, we encourage colleagues to raise any concerns around modern slavery with their line manager or to use the national helpline 08000 121700 or to report those concerns.
We take a zero-tolerance approach towards slavery and human trafficking, and, where possible, our supplier contracts include clauses to that effect. We will evaluate any non-compliance on a case-by-case basis and may choose to work with suppliers to improve their practices.
To ensure all our employees understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains, we provide training on induction and share resources as necessary.
We review our policy annually unless circumstances dictate that it should be reviewed more
frequently. This statement is made according to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for 2025.
We will review this policy on 15 January 2026