As a credible and long-standing Northwest-based business, Easy Lawn Turf Supplies required a website and brand overhaul, incorporating their other business model, Paving Stone North West.

Brand Development
Website Design
User Experience Services
Website Development
The problem

The problem

Whilst the existing website provided Paving Stone North West with an initial e-commerce digital presence, there was a clear need to improve and consolidate the brands of the businesses and to align with the company's proposition as the number one northwest-based landscape and gardening partner.

Through a strategic client and agency workshop, we set out to understand how the business works, as well as the different audience groups and routes to market.

The brand

The brand

We developed a distinctive brand logo for Easy Lawn based on the letter 'E' formed from paving stones, and refreshed the typeface and colour palette in line with the key emotional attributes that emerged during strategy sessions - retaining bright orange from their original brand to maintain recognition and impact whilst also referencing the passion and strength of the team, and an aqua green for a fresh contrast.

The website

The website

We developed custom wireframes based on the new brand and strategy. This allowed us to categorise and map content across the website, including correctly categorising products for optimal search and ranking.

The website was created as a fully responsive e-commerce site, linking the company's ordering and stock-based system to allow for full and seamless integration, helping reduce administrative tasks and making the purchasing process more fluid.

Visit the live site

Our tried and tested approach ensures that our clients connect with the right audience.
how we work