Brand Development
Website Design
Website Development
The problem

The problem

The ABBi Clinic was started by Dr. Sonu Sharma two years ago to address the need for a quick and interim intervention solution for people who require treatment for varying types of eating disorders before it gets too late and hospital care becomes necessary.

The original website gave conflicting information and did not showcase the ABBI Clinic brand, subsequently making the brand unknown.

After a detailed consultation with Dr. Sharma, we understood the core audience group, often centred around patients, and the differing referral routes from not only healthcare professionals and community mental health teams, but also the private sector and insurance companies.

The solution

The solution

We created a tailored, all-new brand and website to showcase and help the team at ABBI to communicate not only their years of experience and credibility but also offer an alternative to the patient while also placing the patient at the centre of the treatment process.

Visit the live site

Our tried and tested approach ensures that our clients connect with the right audience.
how we work